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The Oryx and the Desert Wolf

The Oryx and the Desert Wolf

Deutsche Internationale Schule Sharjah

In the Liwa oasis of the UAE there was an Oryx she was very beautiful and smart and she also liked to help other animals and made sure they were happy. Her only problem was the desert Wolf. He tried to become friends with the Lovely animals of the Liwa oasis but everyone was scared of him and ran away, when he appeared. So he became evil and started hating other animals and he also wanted to kill the beautiful Oryx, because she was the leader of the other animals. One day while hunting the desert Wolf found the Oryx. He said loudly: »Finally, I found you, you disgusting Oryx! I have been searching for you for a while.« The Oryx was scared but she knew inside of that evil desert Wolf was a lovely soul. »I know you hate me, I know what you want to do. But you still have a chance to become one of us the lovely animals of the Liwa oasis and become helpful, I know no one likes you but I do«, she said wisely. The desert Wolf got touched by her lovely words and started crying. »You are the first person who wanted to become my friend and I will accept your proposal«, he said full of joy.

Every soul has a chance to change.

Hamza Salama, Klasse 7, Sharjah



Entnommen aus: Fabula Madrasa, Halle: mdv, 2020, S.19f.


Die Wüste lebt, 2015, Urheber: Eckstein, Renate via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0; Gazelle, 2012, Urheber: Clker-Free-Vector-Images via Pixabay CCO; Wolf, 2013, Urheber: OpenClipart-Vectors via Pixabay CCO; neu bearbeitet von Carolin Eberhardt.

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